Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Dreams and Nightmares 103 update

I have the proof of this issue back from the printer already and I am going to check it over tonight. As soon as I am sure everything is correct I'll be mailing out PDF copies to subscribers. If you don't have a digital subscription, you can buy a copy of this issue in that format for a dollar. You can order it using PayPal from me at this email address: jopnquog@gmail.com. You can order back issues or subscribe to future issues for the same price: one dollar per issue for digital copies. You can also buy a lifetime digital subscription for $39. This gets you every available back issue (nearly all of the 102 back issues are available). For $99 you can also get a print subscription and all available print back issues (about 15 are still available).

But if you just want to try one out, get #103 for a dollar and see what you think. Dreams and Nightmares is one of the oldest existing speculative poetry magazines. Quite a few of the poems I've published have been nominated for the Rhysling award, and this year three of them won.

If you don't like to use PayPal, send a check made out to me at 1300 Kicker Rd., Tuscaloosa, AL 35404.

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