Saturday, July 27, 2024



rustle in the weeds

quail chicks dash across the road 

after Mom



Going Full Veg

The slugs kept coming, brilliantly colored in purple, orange, and a myriad other hues, fronded and frilled like their marine cousins. The slugs, some as large as small horses, spilled from the chimney and glided over the floor, walls, and ceiling. Brenda loved escargot, and her first thought was free food, though none would fit in a skillet. Some of the smaller ones could be roasted in the oven, medium-size specimens could be grilled in the brick fire pit out back. The largest would have to be sliced into steaks. Yum! But only a few of these succulent babies would fit in the freezer anyway. What was more, she was now blocked from the doors and windows by masses of huge slugs crawling over one another; several waved their retractable eye stalks at her suspiciously. An especially colorful specimen, about the size of a Labrador dog, oozed up her body and kissed her on the lips (or was preparing to tear her face off, she wasn't sure which). The slug fell away then, but Brenda began to feel quite peculiar. All the slugs moved back as if to give her room. Most of them raised up, balancing on their tails, and gesticulated wildly with their eyestalks, She stretched up herself, her blue eyes nearly brushing the water-splotched ceiling, writhing back at them. She could see the garden over their heads. Feeling a great hunger for leafy greens, she joined the herd as it began streaming from the house in search of food.


Friday, July 26, 2024



I discovered years ago, that if you live in a red state and put up a political sign for a Democrat, you have to put it very close to your house. Anywhere else, and it seems to be too much temptation for passers-by to withstand. Not everyone who goes by, of course, but at least one every day or two. I have also had signs for candidates I don't support put in my yard without permission. The metal supports for these make excellent trellises for garden vegetables that might otherwise flop over. Such is the state of political discourse in the 21st century in this country. I don't know what it's like for a Republican in a blue state, because I haven't lived in one. All I can say is that I haven't uprooted any signs.



feel the wave 

building faster higher 

blue tsunami 




now a badge of something 

GOP won't go

Thursday, July 25, 2024



whale looked so peaceful

on the beach before it blew

too much TNT



a raven was croaking 
last of its kind
the last cow was moving 
last dog right behind 

the new ark was full 
right up to the brim
space at a premium 
conditions were grim

no two by two here
that's so in the past 
one's all you get
we're cloning your ass