Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Dreams and Nightmares 112

Dreams and Nightmares 112
May, 2019

Allen K. ............................................................................................. cover
From the Brain Stem ................................................................................ 3
Jennifer Crow, Take Up Your Skin ........................................................ 4
Denny Marshall, Streamer Moon .......................................................... 5
Hester J. Rook, And She Rises from the Sea ......................................... 6
F. J. Bergmann, Un-Becoming ............................................................... 7
Michelle Muenzler, When We Were Spiders ........................................ 8
Davian Aw, Paradise ................................................................................ 9
Chris Friend, illo ..................................................................................... 9
Robert Borski, Plot Devices for 22nd Century Space Noir ............... 10
Gwynne Garfinkle, pomegranate ink ................................................. 11
Gloundan Smorpian, homeworld burns ............................................. 11
Allen K, illo ............................................................................................ 11
Andrew Darlington, A Convenient Wife ............................................ 12
Ken Poyner, The Aliens Arrive at the Circus ....................................... 13
Gerri Leen, Keep My Course True ........................................................ 14
Gloundan Smorpian, The Ghost Wife ................................................ 16
Rachel Rodman, The Greatest ............................................................. 16
David Barber, Advice for Saucer People .............................................. 17
F. J. Bergmann, Man Divorces Psychic Wife ....................................... 18
K. S. Hardy, Haunted Portrait .............................................................. 19
Allen K, illo ............................................................... 19
Alan Tole, stew pot ............................................................................... 19
Denny Marshall, Aliens in the Scrub ................................................ .. 20

Subscribers to the PDF edition of Dreams and Nightmares 112 received their copies tonight.. The magazine is printed and print copies will be mailed this week. If you cannot wait, and want a PDF copy right now, they are one dollar through PayPal at jopnquog@gmail.com. $39 gets you a lifetime PDF subscription with all back issues 

Print subs $25/6 issues ($30 outside North America); lifetime sub. $90 (includes back issues).
David C. Kopaska-Merkel, 1300 Kicker Rd., Tuscaloosa AL 35404. Check to me.

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