Sunday, October 20, 2019


The Most Perfect Food

They’re not cooked, neither shaken nor stirred,
Lightly seasoned; otherwise pristine,
Perfect for recovery from head injury,
Or for a growing fetus;
Straight from a nutrient bath,
Free of impurities of any sort;
A wholesome sacrifice to the temple, your body.

The brains are physically developed, sure,
But there’s no cognition, no person there;
It’s just an organic thing,
Grown under sterile conditions,
And with the best of care.

Our product conforms to anti-cannibalism statutes
In 37 states. And several foreign countries.
Guaranteed not to have even the most vapid,
Errant, thought, a tabula rasa ready for consumption,
Ready to become a part of you,
                                                    Valuable, versatile,
                                                                                    Tasty too.

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