Monday, May 3, 2010


Oh, you can tell

You can recognize

survivors from a previous creation

by the look in their eyes.

A billion years of waiting

for a universe to cool,

for life to evolve,

for new species to achieve spaceflight,

for images and sound encoded

in electromagnetic radiation

to reach

that cold and pitted hull

wherein sapients older than time

play the same damn games

and sip hydroponic home brew,

waiting for the new folk

to reinvent the good stuff.

Oh yes, it leaves a mark.

So if one of them

takes the stool next to you,

buy him or her or it a drink

of something local and highly prized;

don't let on you know,

but listen to the stories;

some of them are probably true.

The end


Michelle Scott said...

Stumbled across your blog by accident today, and loved the poetry. "Yesterday all within 2 meters" was especially nice. The bit about the stink bug lady was my favorite. Can't wait to read more : )

David Kopaska-Merkel said...

Michelle: Thank you. Most of my poems have a science fictional or fantasy flavor, but not all. The archives have >1 year of daily poems.

David Kopaska-Merkel said...

Michelle: Thank you. Most of my poems have a science fictional or fantasy flavor, but not all. The archives have >1 year of daily poems.