Sunday, December 12, 2010

book writing and book reviewing

You all know I just reviewed the massive J. G. Ballard compendium. Some may remember I am working on a popular science book about Pennsylvanian trace fossils and their discovery and protection. I worked on it a little yesterday and I should do more this afternoon before I get tired. I also have a young adult novel about science that I agreed to review for "Reports of the National Center for Science Education." One begins by reading the book, so I'm going to work on the trace fossil book for a while and then switch to reading Sandra Dutton's novel when I'm a little bit too tired for writing. I already wrote a flash story this morning, as well as the short silly poem I posted in this blog, so I'm good on that front.

Speaking of fronts, one is coming through today, and it's a good thing my wife baked a turkey. Made the house smell good and feel warmer than it otherwise would have, for a while.

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