Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Feed the hungry and blow your mind

Last chance to buy genre holiday presents and benefit the East Tuscaloosa Community Soup Bowl at the same time

The Soup Bowl provides hot nutritious lunches for the needy in my town, in my neighborhood. Every year about this time I sell various science fiction and fantasy publications at a discount, and I donate all of the proceeds to the Soup Bowl. If you missed out on the offer that expired yesterday, or decide you need a little more, for the rest of this week only (December 8 through December 10) you can buy a lifetime subscription to Dreams and Nightmares magazine for $50. Not only is this about what you would pay for a 5-year subscription to this magazine (almost 25 years old and going strong), not only do you get all available back issues (7, at this point), but every penny goes to the Soup Bowl. The Soup Bowl feeds the hungry and you get award-winning science fiction and fantasy poetry, forever, or until I kick the bucket, whichever comes first. But you have to do it this week. I need to send a check to the Soup Bowl soon, to make sure they'll have the money before Christmas.

PayPal:, or e-mail me at that address to make other payment arrangements.

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