Saturday, October 29, 2011

old poem slightly revised for coffin hop

Strange Gods

These Gods pass right through you –
we see only their human shadows.
The stranger of mysterious arrivals,
he may be one.
Each night invisible fingers
open windows within us,
doing their work as we sleep (lightly and not well).
We try to run,
but any star would do to reach this place,
any street corner, any day,
a void can open within any of us.
Their open mouths follow as we pass.


Penelope Crowe said...

Hello fellow hopper!

Glad I could visit your site. :) I'm looking forward to a night in front of the fire and

shivery tales of spirits and the dark. Come visit me if you and get

one of my books and enter to win a NOOK!

Thanks and happy hopping!

P.S. great poem!! Thanks!

Erin O'Riordan said...

Horror poetry - what a wonderful idea. This one is particularly chilling for this time of year.

David Kopaska-Merkel said...

I'm glad you both like the poem. I've been fascinated for a minute, as they say here, with the various ideas of multiple gods from the world's religions & literature, partly cos it's foreign to US mainstream culture.

Julie Jansen said...

I enjoyed your poem! So nice to meet you during the Coffin Hop and I wish you a most wonderful, spooky Halloween!

Anonymous said...

Very surreal poem. Enjoyed it.
Thanks for posting.
- Kim
hopping from "Wrestling the Muse"

A. F. Stewart said...

A haunting and evocative poem.