Friday, October 28, 2011

SFPA Halloween reading page

Summarized by David Lee Summers

The Science Fiction Poetry Association has once more hosted a virtual Halloween poetry reading on their website.

The page features recordings of 15 members of the SFPA reading their own Halloween-themed, spooky poetry:

"Pumping Up the Local Economy" by David Kopaska-Merkel
"Wicked Karnival: A Tribute to Tod Browning Jr." by Stephen M. Wilson
"A House with No Windows" by F.J. Bergmann
"The Head" by G.O. Clark
"Sentient Shadows Rise" by David Glen Larson
"A Night at Hotel Sedgewick" by irving
"Not Alone" by Ann K. Schwader
"The Cosmic Web" by David Lee Summers
"All Creatures Great and Small" by Elissa Malcohn
"Death in a Harlequin Suit" by Karen A. Romanko
"Vision Stalker" by Elizabeth W. Bennefeld
"Vicious Trees" by Mary A. Turzillo
"Waking Beauty" by Lyn C.A. Gardner
"Secrets" by Deborah P. Kolodji
"Renovation" by Kath Abela Wilson

Photos and photo art are by Liz Bennefeld Geoffrey Landis, and Kath Abela Wilson. All recordings and graphics are copyrighted by their respective authors and used by permission.

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