Wednesday, December 7, 2011

He was a good cat

Orpheus in Ulthar, in Nehwon

 Some say
 cats rule in Ulthar,
 that their strong-paw tactics keep the streets
 clear of zoogs & other riff raff.
 Maybe so, and perhaps, with sinuous leaps
 they can clear the gulfs
 between universe bubbles
 in vengeful hordes.

 But I can't see it.
 My cat doesn't come
 when I call, and no special whistle
 is going to change his mind.
 No purr pressure would make him
 join any Ultharian gang;
 he is a solitary fellow,
 if always ready for a scratch.

 I do wonder, though,
 where he goes for a day or more
 Now and then.
 I swear he never leaves the house.
 But those curious bones
 he was playing with
 after a long absence, they
 fit together for me only one way.
 When I remember
 I'll show them to my anatomist friend.
 I'm sure he won't end up joining
 two pelvises, one set of shoulder blades, six limbs,
 and an impossible number of vertebrae
 to a single oddly holey skull.

 The end

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