Thursday, July 17, 2014


Some subscriber copies of DN 98 go in the mail today.

Also, having been gone two weeks, I've fallen behind on reading submissions. Saturday is catch-up day. Currently reading for 99 (nearly full) & 100 (theme="Time").

PDF copies of any issue, past or current, still $1 each (or $39 for ALL). Paypal or check to David Kopaska-Merkel, 1300 Kicker, Tusc. AL 35404. By the way, Alabama has at least 3 Tusc. cities: Tuscaloosa, Tuscumbia, & Tuskegee. The zip prevents confusion.

Today's poem:

Behind the anthropophagous house
a midden grew
of bone, hair, and buckles,
till it was time to move,
and hen's feet stretched.

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