Goat With A Thousand Young Fights Back
am pissed off, and it takes a lot to make me angry. Normally, if
someone gets me even mildly irritated I simply eviscerate him and
slurp his intestines while he watches. There's nothing like instant
and total revenge to keep one's temper under control. However, there
are some trends in verminous society that are really getting my goat
(no pun intended).
a bloodthirsty and immortal deity just isn't what it used to be.The
difficulty is, of course, that everything is so computerized
nowadays. In my youth the world was a wild place. I could suck the
bowels out of a living herdsman or fur trapper in the comfortable
knowledge that I would not be disturbed. Oh, every now and then some
ungodly monster would fly down from Fomalhaut and kick the living
shit out of my gargantuan ebony butt, but that was just the cost of
doing business on this maggot-infested
of Dirt. Basically, the pickings were good.
all changed when the vermin started to get civilized. Soon, everyone
knew his neighbor's business. If his neighbor was disemboweling
virgins in order to summon me to preside over a cozy little orgy,
why, the people next door simply felt that they had to interfere. I
pretty much had to abandon urban areas for a few centuries. And then
there was that sweet, sweet period in the 60s and 70s in which your
neighbors didn't know you and the Government didn't either. It was
all too brief, but I had access to places I'd been shut out of since
before the Reformation. No one knew if they were hallucinating or if
I really was gnawing on their vitals with my detestable tubular
snouts-until it was far too late.
your neighbors still don't know you from Crowley, but every time
someone sucks the marrow out of a 4-year-old, or rips the heads from
a few strayed tourists, the government hears about it. And they're as
bad as the Elder Gods for sanctimonious prying and interfering. Even
worse, with the cheap construction so much in vogue now, if a few
dozen of my acolytes scream Ia! Ia! Shub-Niggurath! the sound cuts
right through the walls. Some busybody inevitably calls the cops to
complain about the noise, or about the blood dripping from the
ceiling tiles. Dirt is getting so crowded that there's nowhere left I
can snatch a bit of solitude, much less munch on a few victims in
I have a plan to solve my little problem. I realized recently that
I'd become too stuck in my ways. I need to change with the times, and
I know just what to do. I'm thinking of incorporating as a religion.
I'm already an object of worship, and I have supernatural powers, so
I fulfill all the technical criteria. Incorporating will have all
sorts of tangible
to complement the spiritual virtues with which I am already
plenteously endowed. I'll be able to build temples anywhere (or my
followers will) without any interference from the State, and we won't
have to pay a cent in taxes. Best of all, if the present
Administration has its way and prayer returns to the schools, all
I'll need is a good lawyer. I'll be all over the places of learning
like maggots in a corpse. I'll be
at the autumnal equinox, by court order, to every public high school
in the country. It'll all be part of the fairness doctrine. And
remember, I'm a parent. School boards really listen to parents. Yep,
if things go the way the stars prophesy, I'll be feeding high on the
hog. If I can get into the middle schools I won't just be eating
well, I'll be picking my teeth with virgin fibulae.
must confess that it will be a relief to get a space at the public
trough. I have plenty of mouths to feed and they're not easily
satiated. This is just the beginning, too. I may be able to pick up a
few acolytes among the young and impressionable. I just need to work
on my schtick a little. Downplay the extraterrestrial horror and
carnage (save that for
maybe do a little rap routine for openers, chorus of dancing girls,
serve refreshments at all summonings. Yeah, this could really work.
Ia! Shub-Niggurath! Ia! Ia! Oooooh, yeah!
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