Thursday, January 4, 2018

DN 108 Contents

Dreams & Nightmares 108

January 2018


Marge Simon, cover
From the Brainstem
Neal Wilgus, They Will Be Eaten
Chris Friend, illo
John C. Mannone, Still Prehistoric
Babo Kamel, Pinocchio's Mother Tries to Explain What Happened
Herb Kauderer, The Crocodilians
assu, untitled
Gillian Daniels, Superheroes
Chris Friend, illo
Laura Madeline Wiseman, If Prepared For Another Wrong, Then After

     the Rain, Another Island Appears
Sheila Kopaska-Merkel, illo
Robert Frazier, Mental Stealth 
David F. Shultz, Planck Length
Chris Friend, illo
Bruce Boston, Mortal Remains
Charles Cantrell, The Zombies' Honeymoon
Molly Likovich, Fisherman's Folly and the Telling of a Tailed Trollop
     Who Forgot She Could Walk
Sheikha A., Nova Nadir
Mary Soon Lee, Again
G. O. Clark, Slippage
Robert Borski, New Guy at the Planet
Chris Friend, illo, bacover

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