Monday, January 21, 2019


The Next Few Writing Projects

1. Gall Bladder of Darkness

It was so evil its shadow cast a shadow.


2. Carly and the Scone-Eaters

They would stop at nothing for a fix!


3. Invasion of the Clip Snatchers

The manuscript was 60 pages long. Could it ever stay together?!


4. The Room That Came To Sarnath

A hideous breakfast nook emerged from the retreating waters.


5. The Four Snacks of the Apocalypse

Stick to your diet or burn in Hell forever!


6. Jimbo and the Plumber's Crack

As if his jokes weren't bad enough!


F. J. Bergmann said...

These are hilarious! Would read.

Max Jason Peterson said...

Hilarious! Great way to start the day with a laugh :) I love them all, but #4 is my favorite :)

Sara Backer said...

My favorite is "The Four Snacks of the Apocalypse." The sequel might be "Apocalypse--Wow!"

DyanaAset said...

Gall Bladder of Darkness. Had one of those. Don't have it no more.
