Sunday, April 5, 2020


Dreams and Nightmares 115

May, 2020


Randy Moore, cover
Denny Marshall, Reflections
Anne Carly Abad, Collection Day
Gwynne Garfinkle, Dr. Klein
R. Mac Jones, The Generations Ship Dance
Gerri Leen, Spiral
Lynne Sargent, What Is Grown
Robert Borski, Parabiont
F.J. Bergmann, Secession
Denny Marshall, Prototype
Robert Borski, Unparadoxed
Mari Ness, Circe
Terrie Leigh Relf, Playing Hide-and-Seek With Alien Spores
Denny Marshall, Mars 50,000 BC
Josh Pearce, Lacus Excellentiae
Karl Dandenell, Seven Cups of Landfall
Denny Marshall, The Road Home
Jennifer Crow, The Fall of Paper Gods
Allen K, illo
Rachel Rodman, The Velveteen Kitten
Randy Moore, bacover
David Rogers, Gojira 

DN is published both in print and pdf formats. The print version of this issue will be delayed by Covid-19. The PDF will be available at the end of this month as planned. PDFs of all DNs are $1 each. You can get all past and future issues* in PDF format for $39. If you order the complete set by the end of this month, you get PDFs of The Edible Zoo (children's fantasy poetry) and Luminous Worlds, my 2013 full-lemgth dark poetry collection from Dark Regions Press, edited by Bruce Boston, free. Pay via PayPal to

*10 of the earliest are lost. 

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