Monday, May 23, 2022


Every retired person I know but one said "I'm so much busier since I retired." I thought, that'll be me, but I felt otherwise. I feared that I'd end up desperately searching for volunteer work that I could do, in a probably futile attempt to escape the boredom that afflicts the stereotypical retired American. And I don't like to watch much TV. I needn't have worried. Apparently the disease is passed through the male line, as my uncle used to say of our mutual love of black olives. (He's my mother's brother, so he must have meant that the trait is sex-linked, and he was, in any case, not strictly correct. Plus, we're a small family, and a sample size of seven [at the time] is inadequate.] So no, I'm not bored. In fact, the Red Queen has got me, and if I slacken my pace stuff piles up fast. Between writing, reading, editing, publishing, geological research, Dr. visits, helping with home construction & gardening projects, household errands and chores, I struggle to fit that volunteer work in, just like before. The main difference is that I'm often home when deliveries or service people arrive.

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