Wednesday, November 30, 2022


Waking up at 5:00 a.m. kind of sucks, and I have been doing it almost every morning lately. The first reason it sucks is that I use a BiPAP and when I wake up my mouth is so dry that I feel like I have to take it off. But then it isn't safe to go back to sleep. Fortunately, I'm usually too wide awake for that to be possible. Unfortunately, and this is the second reason, I can't get out of bed by myself, not even to get a drink of water. That's what breaking your neck does for you (well, there's more, of course). so I have to wait an hour and a half for my helper to get here. Before my accident, I would literally roll out of bed, and be ready to do whatever needed to be done in 15 minutes. That usually involved making my daughter's lunch, which I also can't do anymore. Not that she needs it now. But the point is here I lie doing only what those with phones can do. Feeling thirsty.

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