Friday, December 16, 2022


Amusing Your Child B4 Electronics

When we were kids one of our games was to paint the back porch. With water. We would use paint brushes, and in the hot summer sun, we'd try to paint faster than the water evaporated. When we got tired of that, we had so many ways to amuse ourselves with just whatever came to hand. We'd dig clay out of the creek and make sun-dried ceramics. We made hickory nut shell boats to float on our 4x8' "pond." Mom taught us about origami, and had two books of instructions (one was paper folding with Shari Lewis). When we ran out of origami paper we cut plain paper into squares. I whittled twigs. I wasn't very good, but the scars have all faded. We made moebius strips of newspaper pages so we could cut them lengthwise multiple times. If you have not done it you have to check it out. You will be amazed.

Yeah, I know, these days it's hard to get 'em to look up from a lighted screen. Well, those were the days. No one remembers all the times they were bored out of their minds.

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