Wednesday, May 24, 2023


There is a new science fiction, fantasy, and magical realism poetry magazine in town.  The title: MAGICAL REALITIES.  The editor, Kendall Evans, is seeking, quite simply, quality speculative poetry.  He has a special fondness for narrative poetry.   Thus, poems can be up to twelve pages long, hopefully complete with characterization, scene setting, an excellent story, and quality, poetic prose.  He is also interested in vignettes and short-shorts up to 500 words long, if they are told in the spirit of poetry.  

MAGICAL REALITIES will be a print magazine only, hopefully comparable to STAR*LINE or ILLUMEN.  

      Submissions:  On the subject line, put only the title and byline.  For Instance: The Call of Survival, by Ernesta Hemmingsworth.       Send your submissions (attachments only, not in the body of the email itself) to the editor Kendall Evans.  The email address is:

     Please include a cover letter, although it need not be especially formal.  If you wish, list some of your publications or include a Bio.  Tell me something about yourself.  It's my belief that the submission process should be part of a dialogue between writers and editors. 

The first issue of MAGICAL REALITIES is scheduled for publication in January of 2024.    

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