Tuesday, September 12, 2023


Dreams and Nightmares 125 (Sept., 2023) is at the printer, and PDF copies are about to go out to digital subscribers.


Allen K, cover
Royal Baysinger, untitled
Joseph Halden and Rhonda Parrish, Value Measure
Rich Magahiz, Chasing encaustics in the shallows
Miguel O. Mitchell, Defense pheromone
Robert Wooten, The Dead Man
Mahaila Smith, Insomniac
Greg Schwartz, untitled
Yuliia Vereta, Intersections
Terrie Leigh Relf, Hello?
Simon Christiansen, Apoaequorin
Wilfred Njagi, illo
DJ Tyrer, untitled
Denise Dumars, Wake Me Up Some Day
Richard Gessner, Squiggle Fungus Escape Hatch
PS Cottier, The ware-wolf
Roger Dutcher, Unseen
Gloundan Smorpian, untitled
Eniola Ajao, Valley of Ashes
Sandra Lindow, Mother Hubble Tames the Unicorn Black Hole
Denny Marshall, Sound Exchange
Amelia Gorman, All-Kinds-of-Fears
Amelia Gorman, Crate, IA
Arukoya Tamois, did you allow his sharp kisses?
T. K. Rex, Margot, The Clouds Will Part Again For Us
Charlie Boy, The Head In The Fridge
Gloundan Smorpian, untitled
Roger Dutcher, Dawns
Charles Saplak, Trinity

Print subscriptions $25/6 issues ($35 outside North America); lifetime print sub. $90 (includes back issues & PDFs). Sample print copy $5. PDF $1/issue; lifetime PDF sub. $39 (including back issues). Subscriptions & donations via PayPal to jopnquog@gmail.com. Email me if that doesn't work for you.

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