Monday, November 13, 2023


Not sure about the cause, but I am actually beginning to suspect an hallucinogen in my environment. For the last several nights I have had astonishing, realistic nocturnal experiences on the edge of sleep. These are not realistic dreams, of which I've had a few over the years. During the first night, I kept hearing people murmuring in low voices, and when I opened my eyes I saw a huge abstract expressionist chandelier morphing above my head. On the next night, I heard people talking again and I could recognize voices more, voices of those who could not then have been speaking. Other things that I couldn't quite understand and don't now remember were happening. Last night, a cavalcade of fantastic alien life forms danced or swooped around the room, some swimming back and forth below the ceiling, dodging away if I reached for one. Several close relatives, folks who are going to visit in about a week, were there, moving about and talking about me. I never spoke to them, for I knew they were phantasms. They were joined by my wife, who I knew also slept beside me. Any time I closed my eyes the voices and creatures grew louder and bolder. I've never experienced anything like this before. One of the creatures was a dragon about 5 ft long that was able to detach its head and put it back on. It was the only one recognizable as a shadow, albeit altered. There were also pairs of flying flimsy plastic gloves. Most of the rest of the stuff was just out of nowhere.

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