Friday, July 12, 2024

071224b - Politics

I don't usually talk politics here, and if you don't want to read what I have to say about it, you should stop reading and go on to my next post.

I don't know how else to say this. Which old man do you want running this country? The one who has already accomplished amazing things, including rebooting our nation's growth, forgiving college loan debts, rebuilding infrastructure, and many more things that the mainstream media won't tell you, because their owners are donors to the other old man. Yes, Republicans complain about the media a lot, but the media has a marked right-wing slant, and that's because they are actually owned by Republicans. Or do you want the other old man, a crook who raped teenagers as well as adult women, stiffs his creditors if they can't afford lawyers as good as his, ignored the pandemic and caused more than a million American deaths, disrespects our military, and. well, I could go on but isn't this enough? If it isn't, consider that he's clearly far along in dementia, so even if you for some reason liked him in the past, he's very dangerous to himself and others now.

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