Friday, September 20, 2024



Dreams and Nightmares 128 is almost ready to go to the contributors for proofing. It should be ready for the printer shortly before the end of the month. 

Dreams and Nightmares 129 is still open for submissions of poetry and of interior artwork. I have a couple of cover illustrations on hand, but I am looking for more for future issues. Remember that I now pay $30 for color cover illustrations. Payment for other things is still $15. Contributors always get a copy of the magazine.

Print copies of the last couple of dozen issues are still available. Email me at jopnquog at gmail dot com if you are interested.

Signed and numbered copies of my latest full-length poetry collection, Unwelcome Guests, are available from me ($20 postpaid), or from the publisher, Weird House Press (

New review of Unwelcome Guests at Cemetery Dance Online. #horror #SF #fantasy #humor #poetry #review 

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