Friday, January 17, 2025


I just had a nightmare, which was set in the very large yard surrounding the house I grew up in. But that doesn't seem to have had anything to do with the dream. It began with several of us marveling at the unusual occurrence of large hawks standing calmly around on the ground while we looked at them. People were discussing which species of hawk each one represented and it turned out that some of them were a common species attempting to mate with a more powerful but rare species. This wasn't working out, but I don't remember now exactly what happened. It might be that either the males of the rare species or the females of the common species ate the other ones. But this seamlessly transitioned into a huge outdoor wooden structure, like a giant play structure for kids, except it was used by people who were in costume as birds. This took place where, in real life, there was a small grove of peach trees. One person was explaining how his costume and performance were vastly superior to anybody else's. It was interesting, but it wasn't actually that realistic, even though it included a lot of real feathers. But the next performance I observed consisted of a man and a woman, dressed as adult birds, opening boxes like extra large egg cartons and biting the heads off of baby chicks that were in them. The chicks didn't try to get away, because the adults were dressed like their parents. After the performance, some of the baby chicks remained alive. The two performers were calmly getting someone who appeared to work for either the postal service or one of those shipping companies like FedEx or UPS, who was equally calm, to help them package up the live chicks to ship back home. I was horrified, but neither I nor anybody else there did anything to stop them. Brrr!

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