Saturday, November 20, 2010

Holiday soup-kitchen fundraiser & sale reminder

Annual holiday fundraiser for East Tuscaloosa Community Soup Bowl

Most of you probably remember that I raise money for my local soup kitchen each year about this time by selling some of my publications and donating the proceeds. This is what I'm doing this year.

I have 7 recent back issues of Dreams and Nightmares. Order anywhere from 1 to 7 of these at $4 each (a 20% discount) and I'll donate all the money to the Soup Bowl. If you already have some of the last 7 issues, tell me which ones you want or which ones you have.

I also have a few copies of my two collaborative chapbooks with Kendall Evans. Separate Destinations is $7 and Night Ship to Never is $8. Order either one now (or both, for $13) and I'll donate all the money to the Soup Bowl. And I'll sign the books. By the way, Separate Destinations is out of print, and I only have three copies left. If you don't buy them from me, now, you might not be able to get them at all.

So that's the deal. 100% of the money goes to charity and you get books or magazines that make great holiday presents.

I prefer payment to PayPal at If that doesn't work for you, try 1300 Kicker Rd, Tuscaloosa, AL 35404.

I must receive your order by December 7, 2010.


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