Saturday, December 17, 2022



January 2023


Chris Friend, cover
Robert Frazier, Summer of the Silver Comets
Angela Acosta, A Refusal to be Star Born
Shelly Jones, Leda, the Morning After
Rich Magahiz, offworlders
Sarah Cannavo, I Start To Think I Might Be Dead
Denny Marshall, Micro in the Routers
J. F. Haines, Wiggle-Room
Beth Cato and Rhonda Parrish, Birthday Cake
Silvatiicus Riddle, When Wolves Go Walking
Lynne Sargent, Because There Is No Atomistic Self to Make a Portrait
Allen K., Alien with Big Hands
Miguel 0. Mitchell, Sitting on the subway train
Kim Whysall-Hammond, When I Float, Who Will Find Me?
F. J. Bergmann, Exploitation
Gary Every, Hippo Goddess
G. O. Clark, Einstein's Eyes
Charles Saplak, illo
Rich Magahiz, A Thing We Tell At Bedtime
Sarah Cannavo, Proud vegetarian
Randall Andrews, Damn this darkness
Brian Hugenbruch, Concerning the Scones
Roger Dutcher, Monsoon Season in the Last Days of Empire
F. J. Bergmann, Nurture

Sample copy $5 (print) or $1 (pdf). Print subscriptions $25 for 6 issues inside North America and $30 U.S. outside North America.
Lifetime print subscription $90 (includes available back issues).
Lifetime pdf subscription, including all back issues, $39.
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