Thursday, November 30, 2023


The first fanzine I published, The Discombobulated Daily, wasn't very good, but I regret that in one of my moves, my many moves, because I'm a geologist, I mislaid or gave away the very last copy. The same thing happened to the second one, called Ered Nimrais, which I began in college and I think ended sometime in graduate school. That was about when I tried to start getting my work published in other magazines, some fanzines and some small press speculative zines. I do still have a copy of one issue of the Daily Blab, which style itself as an underground newspaper, if something that wished it was Mad Magazine could be a newspaper. Anyway, I discovered on looking over this copy a few years ago two things. First, everything in it was very bad. That wasn't a surprise, but second, I couldn't figure out which contributions were by me. They were all published under pseudonyms, and I had no idea which ones were mine. Just as well.

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